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What Type of Trading Patterns Occur in Forex Trading?
There are several types of trading patterns. Patterns are observable price action that can be used to determine the future direction of a currency pair.
Patterns can help ...

Japanese Candlesticks Summary
1. Single Bullish Candlesticks Patterns
2. Single Neutral Candlesticks Patterns
3. Single Bearish Candlestick Patterns
4. Double bullish candlestick patterns
5. Double bearish ...

Triple Bearish Candlestick Patterns
The triple bearish candlestick patterns are formed by three candlesticks. Generally, they are bearish reversal patterns.
They are of four main types:
a) Evening star
b) ...

Triple Bullish Candlestick Patterns
The triple bullish candlestick patterns are formed by three candlesticks. Generally, they are bullish reversal patterns.
They are of four main types:
a) Morning star
b) ...

Double Bearish Candlestick Patterns
The double bearish candlestick patterns are formed by two candlesticks. They are of three main types:
a) Bearish engulfing pattern
b) Tweezer tops
c) ...

Double Bullish Candlestick Patterns
The double bullish candlestick patterns are formed by two candlesticks. They are of three main types:
a) Bullish engulfing
b) Tweezer bottoms
c) Piercing ...

Single Bearish Candlestick Patterns
There are three types of single bearish candlestick patterns
a) Black marubozu
b) Hanging man
c) ...

Single Neutral Candlestick Patterns
There are two types of single neutral candlestick patterns:
a) Spinning tops
b) Doji
a) Spinning tops
Spinning tops patterns are ...

Single Bullish Candlestick Patterns
There are three types of single bullish candlestick patterns:
a) The hammer
b) The inverted hammer
c) The white marubozu
a) ...

Japanese Candlestick Charts
Candlestick charting analysis is widely used in the world of currency trading. In this article, we’ll dig into them a bit deeper and understand how they can be used in ...